ANP WG 5 outgoing meeting on the promotion of social dialogue and social entrepreneurship

ANP WG 5 outgoing meeting on the promotion of social dialogue and social entrepreneurship

On October 9, 2021 the EaP CSF Armenian National Platform Working Group 5 held an outgoing meeting in Gegharkunik region’s Lchashen community. The meeting held in the premises of Lchashen's "Forgotten Kingdom of Etiun" and "Bohem-Studio Teahouse" social enterprises was attended by the members of WG5, representatives from social enterprises, experts, as well as members [...]

CSF Armenian National Platform Online Assembly – 23.09.2021

CSF Armenian National Platform Online Assembly – 23.09.2021

An online Assembly of the EaP Civil Society Forum Armenian National Platform was held on September 23, 2021, moderated by Lousineh Hakobyan, CSF Armenia Country Facilitator. The following issues were on the agenda: 1 ․ Nomination of candidates for membership to the RA-EU Civil Society Platform Electoral Commission, 2 ․ The role of the EaP [...]

Documents for the call of applications to become members of the Civil Society Platform as stipulated by the Article 366 of the EU-RA CEPA

CSOs and foundations which are not trade unions or employers’ unions and which have been engaged in one of the spheres set out by the CEPA throughout the past 3 years and published reports on their project activities are eligible to stand for election. Moreover, the members of such organizations, including the 75 percent of the members of executive bodies must not be employed by state agencies. The members of the CEPA CSP, including the substitutes, shall be elected for a two-year term.

Procedure on the Establishment of the Composition of Armenian CSOs and Foundations of the Civil Society Platform as stipulated by Article 366 of the EU-Armenia CEPA

The Procedure was adopted by the ANP Assembly of May 12, 2021 by 19 votes in favor, 6 abstentions and 2 against. The current Procedure outlines the functions of the Election Commission set up to manage the process of election of new members to the CSP from among the representatives of NGOs and foundations registered in the Republic of Armenia, as well as the organization of the activities of the Commission and procedures for nominating and electing candidates for CSP membership .

ANP Assembly – May 12, 2021

ANP Assembly – May 12, 2021

On May 12, 2021 the EaP CSF Armenia National Platform online Assembly was held with the participation of 44 ANP members, including 27 members of the CSF Delegates' Assembly. The following issues were on the Agenda: Discussion and adoption of the Procedure of formation of CEPA Civil Society PlatformDiscussion and adoption of the ANP Strategy [...]

Online Hate Speech against Vulnerable Groups

Arman Gharibyan Human Rights Power (CSF ANP WG1) In recent years, both worldwide and in Armenia the manifestations of hate speech and the need to prevent them have been actively discussed. Almost everyone notices the atmosphere of hatred, especially on social networks, but not all of them contribute to the reduction of hate speech. Moreover, [...]

The Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic on the RA Economy and Recommendations to the Government

Center for Political and Economic Strategic Studies (CSF ANP WG1) For at least the last thirty years, the main trend in international relations has been the gradual decline of the role of nation-states in the global world order. International organizations, large transnational corporations, and the charities established by the richest people in the world, sometimes [...]

Solving Climate Change Issues at Community Level

Aram Gabrielyan “Khazer” Ecological and Cultural NGO EaP CSF ANP WG3 In the field of climate change the commitments (contributions) of developing countries (including Armenia) envisaged by the Paris Agreement will start in 2020. Most of them, first of all, will take place in the communities. The state is obliged to create conditions for climate [...]