October 1, 2021
Documents for the call of applications to become members of the Civil Society Platform as stipulated by the Article 366 of the EU-RA CEPA

CSOs and foundations which are not trade unions or employers’ unions and which have been engaged in one of the spheres set out by the CEPA throughout the past 3 years and published reports on their project activities are eligible to stand for election. Moreover, the members of such organizations, including the 75 percent of the members of executive bodies must not be employed by state agencies. The members of the CEPA CSP, including the substitutes, shall be elected for a two-year term.

  1. List of documents required to run as a candidate in the elections to the Platform (in Armenian);
  2. Details on the EU-RA CSP elections and voting (in Armenian);
  3. Requirements and evaluation criteria for candidates to become members of the EU-Armenia CS Platform (in Armenian).