On 4 April 2022, the online kick-off meeting of the Armenian Civil Society Platform of the CEPA (hereinafter: also CEPA CSP) was held. The aim of the meeting was to officially launch the work of the Platform, discuss the forthcoming activities and identify major priorities of the Platform for the nearest future. The members of the Platform exchanged opinions on internal and external communication and agreed on the necessity to engage in active dialogue with the Armenian Government and the EU institutions. Added to that, the importance of the cooperation with wider civil society was highlighted.
Andrea Wiktorin, Ambassador, Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Armenia, joined the meeting to deliver her welcoming remarks to the participants of the meeting. She reiterated the EU’s commitment to supporting Armenia in its reform efforts undertaken within CEPA and beyond. She also stressed the need for civil society to speak with one voice in tackling difficult topics in the area of human rights protection and fighting disinformation, as well as cooperate constructively with other actors in the field.
Lousineh Hakobyan, President of the Europe in Law Association, was elected as the Coordinator of the CEPA CSP.