JULY 30, 2023 թ., YEREVAN July 2023 , #04 – NEWSLETTER EaP CSF Armenian National Platform NEWSLETTER July 2023, #04 EU stands by Armenia to evolve the peace agenda, you're capable of building your country's future Factor TV's Interview with the Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Armenia, Ms. Andrea Wiktorin What will the ratification of the Rome Statute give to Armenia?The Europe in Law Association clarifies. The Constitutional Court 2023 Decision SDO-1680 on the Rome Statute (in Armenian). Armenia’s Civil Society Met with Local and Eu Officials. In the large hall of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia, EaP CSF Armenian National Platform held its conference on “Reconceptualizing Eastern Partnership in the Face of New Challenges and Opportunities”…… "The issue of changing the external political vector has matured." The interview of Hovsep Khurshudyan, the EaP CSF National Facilitator for Armenia, to FreeNews (in Armenian). Civil Society-Government and RA-EU Relations was the Discussion Topic at the Anti-Corruption School for Young Leaders The master class for the students of the 9th stream of the Anti-Corruption School for Young Leaders, the 1st anti-corruption professional educational initiative operating in the Republic of Armenia was delivered the…. The Advisory Opinion of the EU-Armenia Civil Society Platform was Discussed. The advisory opinions developed by the Armenian members of the EU-Armenia Civil Society Platform were discussed with the representatives of the Government and other stakeholders. Deputy Prime Minister Mher Girgoryan, H.E. Andrea Wiktorin, Ambassador… EaP CSF Armenian National Facilitator Hovsep Khurshudyan participated in the Conference ՙՙDevelopment of Strategic Communication Skills: Lessons from Visegrad Four’s Experience՚՚ On July 24-27, the Conference "Development of Strategic Communication Skills: Lessons from Visegrad Four's Experience" organized by the Armenian Institute for International and Security Affairs and the Center for Political Studies… Economic dimension of the European way for Belarus: WHAT IS OUR GOAL AND HOW CAN WE ACHIEVE IT? Hovsep Khurshudyan, EaP Civil Society Forum’s National Facilitator for Armenia, participated in the online hearings on the Economic dimension of the European way for Belarus took place on 20 July 2023…….. EaP CSF Working Groups Online Meetings At the end of June and the first days of July, the meetings of the working groups of the EaP CSF took place in an online format. Eastern partnership Civil Society Forum Armenian National Platform Vazgen Sargsyan Street, 26/3, 7th floor, room 704, Yerevan, Armenia 0010 info@eap-csf.am www.eap-csf.am