June 6, 2023
Open Letter to Eurasia Partnership Foundation

Yerevan, 6 June 2023

Eurasia Partnership Foundation

Gevorg Ter-Gabrielyan, director

Open Letter

Dear Mr. Ter-Gabrielyan,

A guiding principle of donor organizations’ functioning in the civil society sector is transparency and accountability. That is also a preventive measure against possible conflict of interests, corruption risks and partisanship. Such kind of transparency is provided even by such organizations in Armenia, which are being targeted by xenophobic and/or Russian-controlled entities and individuals. In view of this fact, it is only staggering that while not being targeted by any of the above-mentioned parties, the Eurasia Partnership Foundation does not publish on its website details on funds it had received and distributed.

Therefore, we call on you to publicize

  1. A list of all individuals and entities, who have received funding from the Eurasia Partnership Foundation during the past ten years, grouping them in years of receiving those funds and indicating the name of the respective projects and the total sum of funds/grants awarded.
  2. A list of donors/benefactors who have financed the Eurasia Partnership Foundation over the past 10 years, indicating also the names of the programs funded.    


Hovsep Khurshudyan,

Eastern Partnership CSF Armenian National Facilitator

Eastern Partnership CSF ANP Secretariat NGO Chairman of Board

Lusine Hakobyan

CEPA Civil Society Platform Co-chair