To the:Members of the EaP CSF Compliance CommitteeSeda Shiganyan, representative of the Yerevan press club, EaP CSF delegateAna Otilia Nutu, EaP CSF Steering Committee Co-ChairIrina Sukhy, EaP CSF Steering Committee Co-ChairAna Furtuna, Director of the EaP CSF SecretariatMembers of the Council of the “EaP CSF ANP Secretariat” NGO Dear Colleagues, On June 14, a letter [...]
June 12, 2023 To the members of EaP CSF Compliance CommitteeAna Otilia Nutu, co-chair of the EaP CSF Steering CommitteeIrina Sukhy, co-chair of the EaP CSF Steering CommitteeMikayel Hovhannisyan, Member of the EaP CSF Steering CommitteAna Furtuna, Director of the EaP CSF SecretariatAni Kojoyan, Director of the EaP CSF SecretariatBoris Navasardyan, President of Yerevan Press [...]
EaP-CSF Armenian National Platform Conference/ Meeting of delegates rejected the motion on no-confidence in ANP Coordinator and declined to terminate his powers
Yerevan, 9 June 2023 Armenian National Platform's (ANP) 44 members, including 30 members of the Civil Society Forum (SCF) took part in the Conference/Meeting of delegates. Taking into consideration that the deliberations on the issue of terminating the ANP Coordinator's powers with subsequent voting was scheduled and the matter was within the competence of the [...]
Open Letter to Eurasia Partnership Foundation
Yerevan, 6 June 2023 Eurasia Partnership Foundation Gevorg Ter-Gabrielyan, director Open Letter Dear Mr. Ter-Gabrielyan, A guiding principle of donor organizations’ functioning in the civil society sector is transparency and accountability. That is also a preventive measure against possible conflict of interests, corruption risks and partisanship. Such kind of transparency is provided even by such [...]
Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum Armenian National Platform’s Secretariat NGO Board Statement
We the members of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum Armenian National Platform's Secretariat NGO Board believe that the requests articulated in the 4th and 5th points of the petition concerning the ANP Coordinator's alleged misconduct, which was submitted to the ANP Assembly held on 25 May of this year by 14 organizations, are beyond [...]
Hovsep Khurshudyan’s Response to the Petition
Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum Armenian National Platform dear members, As you know ANP 14 members who are as well members of the Civil Society Forum during the regular Assembly of the Armenian national platform held on 25 May of this year submitted a petition requesting to discuss during the same conference as a matter [...]
EaP-CSF Armenian National Platform Conference/Meeting of Delegates rejected the motion on discussing and voting on the same day a non-confidence resolution against the ANP Coordinator
Yerevan, 25 May 2023 29 members of the Armenian National Platform, including 24 delegates from the Civil Society Forum were taking part in the Conference. 12 more delegates in accordance with the ANP’s accepted practice had transferred their votes to other members of the Conference. The Conference was chaired by ANP Coordinator Hovsep Khurshudyan. In [...]
Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum Armenian National Platform Meeting of Delegates, Eastern Partnership CSF ANP Coordinator Hovsep Khurshudyan, Eastern Partnership CSF ANP executive body Eastern Partnership CSF ANP Secretariat Petition We the undersigned members of the Eastern Partnership CSF Armenian National Platform Meeting of Delegates, consider unacceptable ANP Coordinator Hovsep Khurshudyan’s initiative and actions, contradicting [...]